Gradient Tints
Gradient tints, which are darker at the top and gradually lighten towards the bottom, introduce a refined sense of style. Besides their visual appeal, they enhance visibility and cut down on glare for drivers.
Custom Patterns and Designs
Collaborate with a tinting specialist to create custom patterns, logos, or images that showcase your personality or passions. Intricate patterns, sports team logos, or scenic landscapes can be brought to life on your car windows.
Colored Tints
While charcoal or black are standard for window tints, colored tints can inject character into your vehicle. Coordinate these tints with your car's color or use them to express your unique style. A subtle hue or a bold statement color can transform your ride. Custom tint can be made with blue, green, red, and yellow, and these colors can be mixed to create new shades.
Decorative Window Films
Decorative films can mimic etched, stained, or frosted glass, providing privacy and style. They're an excellent option for adding flair to side or rear windows. Frosted tints create an artistic frosted glass effect, adding elegance and exclusivity while allowing light in and maintaining privacy.
Dual Shades
Applying two layers of tint to a single window allows for both light and dark tints on the same window, creating a striking contrast.
Chromed Window Film
Often incorporated into flame or logo designs, chromed window film ensures your custom tint designs capture attention.
Themed Designs
Consider themes like flames, cheetah or leopard prints, or pinstripes for eye-catching graphics. These designs can reflect your interests and add a wild touch to your vehicle.
Multiple Color Tints
Using multiple colors in various designs elevates customization, making your car or truck stand out. This approach allows you to create a vibrant and dynamic visual effect.
Vinyl Graphics
Complement your window tint with matching vinyl graphics on the vehicle's body. This creates a cohesive and integrated design, amplifying the overall aesthetic.
Frosted Elements
Incorporate frosted elements into your tint design for a distinctive and artistic effect. Whether it's a full frosted tint or a design that integrates frosted elements, this option is sure to make your car stand out.